About us

What if we just scrapped everything bad, unfair and irritating from an industry that is obviously stuck in the past and instead transformed it into something suitable for the future, suitable for now?

That's what we thought – and that's what we did. Welcome to an energy company that actually gives a crap.

Ed and Daniel – Circle image
Tibber founders Daniel and Edgeir

Dream big

Tibber founders Daniel Lindén and Edgeir Vårdal Aksnes had worked within the energy industry for years and saw energy companies’ predominant interest: selling more energy to make more profit. This felt a bit counterintuitive, since using less electricity benefits more or less everyone, except, of course, the dinosaurs of the energy industry.

Today, Tibber employees located in Norway, Sweden, Holland, and Germany work daily to help customers lower their electricity consumption – and their energy bills. We’re a (pretty different) digital energy company with an ongoing dream of making the electricity market better, and smarter. 

Made simple, with love 

We believe in using digital technology to create smarter lifestyles. Here's how:

  • Our digital platform buys the cheapest available electricity per hour. We never - and won't ever - make a profit on the electricity we sell so that we genuinely have the incentive to help our customers lower their consumption.

  • We give our customers power over their power. The Tibber App provides our customers real-time visibility into pricing as well as analytics and an overview of the electricity consumption at home that help them to use energy more efficiently.

  • Smart features such as charging EVs when the electricity price is at its lowest or regulating heating during the night and holidays. In Sweden we also use our smart technology to balance the main power grid - damn right. 

  • Last but not least, we run the Tibber-Store, or rather our cherry-picked selection of Power-ups and smart home devices. Simply based on the number of requests, our Store-Santa decides on the integrations to come.

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about-us tribe

Our team is expanding

We seek specialists, technicians, digital heads and human connoisseurs. Above all, we seek people who work with passion, desire and a will that is never stopped by a challenge. Check out open positions on our careers page. Join the #tibbertribe ⚡️