For a smarter mobility transition: go-e and Tibber
With the latest addition to our portfolio of intelligent chargers, we’re heading to Austria where go-e was founded in 2015. In this article, we explain why the solution-oriented technology of this always growing brand is a perfect match for Tibber. Especially now that the go-e Power-up has been released, allowing you to automatically charge your car when electricity prices are low.
Important note: Which chargers are available in the Tibber Store varies from market to market. In Norway, we currently do not sell any chargers, but only offer the Power-up. And only in Germany do we offer both models (Gemini and Gemini flex) with both charging powers variants (11 kW or 22 kW).
Say “Hello” to a new charger in town!
Minimal design, easy to use and, – if you wish for it –, even portable! go-e proofs that advanced engineering and a seamless charging experience don't have to cost a lot. The brand’s charging solutions are always ranking highest within the very competitive German market – and we all know how much Germans enjoy solid, safe and future-oriented craftsmanship!
Since its beginning, the Austrian company was convinced that enabling EV drivers to be as flexible and smart as possible is key to bring e-mobility to the next level. That’s why their chargers are extra convenient to use. Thanks to their plug-and-play approach, you won’t even need help from an electrician for mounting the portable charging station, which makes powering up your electric car almost as easy as charging your smartphone. The stationary go-e Charger Gemini is available in two variants. Customers can choose between a maximum charging power of 11 kW or 22 kW. No matter which European-registered EV or hybrid you drive, the Gemini is always a reliable power source. As it has a type-2 socket to which any car with a type-2 charging cable or type 1 to type 2 adapter cable can be connected. In addition, the charger offers various security functions such as a special lock for charging cables, RFID access control for authorisation and an DC protection module with direct current detection.
Smarter charging for everyone
Thanks to Tibber’s new integration, especially the portable Gemini flex variant of the go-e Chargers (also available with 11 or 22 kW) might be heading to success in Northern Europe soon. It certainly fits in with the camping and weekend house culture of Scandinavia. Thanks to their flexibility, smart functions and their fair prices, go-e Chargers will encourage more and more customers to connect their private little energy transition more strongly with the mobility transition. Our beloved Smart Charging can play an important role in this. Luckily, the go-e Power-up has finally been rolled out. It allows you to automatically charge your EV whenever the electricity exchange prices are especially low. The only technical requirements you’ll need are our dynamic tariff and the right meter setup (the requirements for each market are different) in order to get billed based on hourly prices.
If you can set a check mark behind that, you simply integrate the go-e Power-up into your Tibber App. After clicking on it, the native go-e App will open. You simply log in with your go-e credentials, et voilà – now you can set and control your Charger within the Tibber ecosystem.
All set for a greener and cheaper future
Enjoy driving your EV while being certain it runs on cheaper energy. All it needs are a few clicks in the Tibber app. You enter your desired battery level and preferred departure time. That’s it. Our Tibber algorithm always selects the cheapest hours for charging until your departure time is reached.
And as mentioned above, when you charge cheaper, you also charge greener. A high percentage of renewables in the electricity mix pushes stock market prices down – good for your wallet and the environment. This way, energy transition and mobility transition complement each other perfectly. A real revolution that starts with you, go-e and Tibber.