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Smart Charging gets even better with Grid Rewards

Grid Rewards and Smart Charging

Yes, you read that right! Things will once again change for good! Thanks to Smart Charging, you will continue to save a lot of money because your car automatically charges during the cheapest hours. However, in addition to the savings factor, Grid Rewards now even adds an earning factor on top of your charging experience. That is why we don’t see our newest feature as a simple add-on for Smart Charging - but rather as its evolutionary completion. At first, that might sound unlikely, though. Because Smart Charging was developed for always picking the hours with the cheapest electricity price to power up your car’s battery. While with Grid Rewards, your EV will sometimes inevitably charge during times that seem more expensive. But we can assure you: After reading this article, everything will make perfect sense!

Smart consumption without the need to be smart 24/7

Smart Charging successfully combines efficient energy usage with technical comfort. You simply enter your departure time and the preferred battery level in our app. Our Tibber algorithm then selects the cheapest remaining hours for charging. Grid Rewards at first glance can look as if standing in contradiction to the above-mentioned logic that makes Smart Charging so, well…, smart. 

The new feature sets you up for making a significant contribution to the stability of our electricity grid. And it allows us to compensate you for your efforts. If you’re interested in the trick behind this CO2-reducing magic, you can read a detailed explanation in this article.

From savings to earnings

In order for us to enable you and future Grid Heroes to fulfill their important duty, the hours with the lowest electricity prices will not always be the decisive ones. Sometimes you will see your car charging when electricity prices are relatively high. This is because in these periods, your charging costs are not set on the day-ahead market, like the regular electricity prices that we pass on to our customers. Instead, they are determined on the real time energy markets, in which short-term, grid-friendly actions are compensated (you find more infos about the market differences here). But we can reassure you: Our new Smart Charging with Grid Rewards is designed so that your final costs should always be lower than they would have been with Smart Charging alone.

But why is this the case? If your car charges in time frames with higher prices to support the grid, you will still pay the same spot price that you would have received for the cheaper hour. The logic of Smart Charging therefore remains completely intact – even though your daily price screen may say something different! But it gets even better. As on top of this, you will also receive Grid Rewards for your commitment to a fossil-free future, which will be deducted from your energy bill at the end of the month. In short, you save just as much as you have always saved with Smart Charging, but now you will also earn something on top. Savings plus earnings - a deal that only has winners - your bank account, the grid and the entire planet.

Published 2/13/2024
Johannes Dreyer
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