What is smart heating?


Smart heating involves controlling the heat … smartly. That is, by using smart products that only heats your home when you actually need to, which helps you save on both money and energy. Who needs a warm home while being at work?

For all heating sources

People heat their homes in various ways, but there are smart solutions available regardless of heating source, whether it’s electric radiators, floor heating or heat pumps. Products like smart plugs and smart thermostats let you control the heating in your home, whether you’re there or not. Many people are completely allergic to remote controls, but luckily smart heating enables you to control your heating from your phone. Smart heating is simply good for you, the environment, and your wallet. 

“It’s simple: we must use smart technology to reduce our consumption. As humans we are very bad at changing our behaviour. I believe technology can do that job for us, without us even noticing,” says Edgeir Vårdal Aksnes, co-founder and CEO of Tibber.

What are the advantages of smart heating?

First and foremost, smart heating gives you the ability to control the temperature in your home from wherever you are in the world. This has both financial and practical benefits. 

Perhaps you forgot to regulate the heat in the cabin after spending the weekend there? No problem, one press of a button and the problem is solved. If you’re going away for a few days, you can easily schedule temperature adjustments as needed. This means you can make sure that your home won’t use much energy on heating while you’re away, but will still be nice and comfortable upon your return. 

Smart should mean simple

The smartest technology is something you don’t have to think about, something that just works. At Tibber we also say that the cheapest energy is the energy you don’t use. This is why we have developed a digital solution that automatically optimises your heating – making it smart. 

Better electricity prices

Control your heating smarter so that you heat your home when the electricity price is at its lowest.

Optimal heating calculations are based on a number of different factors, such as data about the home, daily weather forecasts and the hourly energy rates. These calculations happen automatically, of course.

Day & night reduction

You can schedule a reduction of your temperature, so that you don’t spend energy when you don’t need your home to be warm.

With day/night reduction, Tibber will automatically lower the temperature when you’re at work or asleep, and then make sure the home is nice and comfortable upon your return. 

Vacation Mode

Vacation mode lowers the temperature and reduces energy consumption while you’re away, but makes sure the home is warm again in time for your return.

Are you going on vacation? Fear not, vacation mode’s got you covered, and makes sure you save money on energy while you’re away enjoying the sun, snow or whatever you’re doing. 

“Living in my home is just as nice as it was before, we have the same temperature, and same comfort. The only difference is that I went from using 26,000 kWh to 15,000 kWh, without having to change my behaviour in any way,” says Edgeir, who’s transitioned to a smarter home with smart heating.

Utilises the energy market

One can compare the energy market with the stock market. Energy prices vary throughout the day, and thanks to the introduction of smart meters, you as a consumer can now take advantage of this. Tibber buys energy every hour, our customers always get the best possible price from renewable energy producers. We’re the only energy company who don’t earn money on energy. You can follow the energy prices in our app, and tailor your consumption accordingly if you so please.

Haven't tried Tibber yet?*

*Note that the Tibber energy deal is currently only available in Germany, Norway and Sweden. We work towards offering you something completely different when it comes to energy: smart energy. Through the Tibber app we offer a better overview, lower energy prices, better customer service and hotter technology than anyone else in the market. So why not try us out? There’s no subscription or cancellation fee. Tibber can be downloaded without the energy deal in Denmark, Finland, France, Spain and The Netherlands.

Published 8-11-2019
Sara Brolin
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