From time to time we provide our customers and others to engage with us on digital online platforms for fun games, competitions and gamification experiences, sometimes even with a possibility to win a prize for good performance or pure luck.

When you participate in these kinds of activities we will process personal data that you share with us through these platforms. In this section of our privacy notice (see here for the full version, including contact information and your rights) we explain what processing takes place in connection with your participation on such platforms.

Some of the platforms we use for the digital experience require you to register with the online platform provider meaning they will process your personal data as well under their own responsibility. We recommend that you read their privacy notice, available before registration, carefully.

Purposes for processing your personal data

To allow you to compete for prizes

Sometimes we add a tantalizing opportunity to win a prize. For us to manage that we will ask for contact details we can use to reach out to the winners, in most cases an email address. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, we will only use this information for this purpose.

Categories of personal data: Contact information

Legal basis: Consent

Retention time: We will delete the data one month after the competition is finalized.

Sharing and transfer of data: The data may be shared with the provider of the engagement platform.

To send prizes to winners

If you are a winner and we are able to connect via the contact details provided by you, we may process further information in order to send you the prize. In some cases, the prize will be made available for you in your Tibber account.

Categories of personal data: Identification information, Contact information, Other information you share with us

Legal basis: Performance of a contract, to fulfill our promise to contact the winner and send won prize.

Retention time: Depending on the type of prize, to handle consumer rights related to the prize.

Sharing and transfer of data: Depending on the prize, we use different service providers to send the prize to you (electronical/physical communication, distributor, warehouse, etc.).

To send you marketing communication

Through the engagement you may be interested to receive offers, newsletters or similar information from us. For example, if the game challenges you to prevent your battery from being completely discharged by catching gusts of wind, we may ask you if you also want to know more about our in-real-world battery solution.

Categories of personal data: Contact information

Legal basis: Consent

Retention time: According to the consent

Sharing and transfer of data: We use service providers for digital communication. We may share the data to other Tibber companies for market/language relevant communication. We will never share this information to third parties, unless clearly stated in the consent.