This document describes the categories of personal data that we may be processing. We have also exemplified, note however that the list is not a complete list of all personal data that may be in the category.

Category of personal dataDescriptionExample of personal data
Bonus informationInformation about bonuses/discounts that you have got, for example when you have referred a new customer to us.Amount, expiration date, used bonus.
CommunicationInformation included in communication with us.Content in forms, email, chat messages, surveys, etc. May be picture and/or sound recording in communication about damages.
Contact informationInformation that lets us get in contact with you.Email and physical address, phone no.
Customer statusA) Description of your relationship with us. B) Possible customer segments you belong to.A) Active electricity customer, former electricity customer, multi-households customer, user of several Tibber products/services. B) Segment, campaign, referral
Demographic information Date of birth, sex, civil state, move-in date.
Financial informationInformation we need to receive payments from you (or pay you when applicable).Billing method, billing address, bank account details.
Household informationInformation about your household that we use for our services and offers.Delivery point, grid area, type (house/apartment), size, number of residents, means for heating.
Identification informationPersonal data that can identify you at once.Name, social security number, customer number, user account/username.
Meter readings and consumption dataInformation about your electricity consumption.Time and volume of used electricity, time and volume of sold electricity.
Order- och delivery informationInformation we are processing to manage your orders in Tibber Store and for delivering the products to you.Ordered product, time for order and delivery, delivery address, delivery status.
Other information you decide to share with usSuch information that is not included in this table but that you share in open text fields, e-mail, phone calls, etc.
Purchase informationInformation about purchases you have made from us.Purchased product, time for purchase, bonus usage, payment method.
Referral informationInformation to follow who invited whom and who has become a customer via invite.Name of the person that invited you to be customer, name of the person you have invited to be customer, signed contract from invitation.
Sensor data from connected apps or devicesInformation from apps and devices you integrate with the Tibber-app to use our services like analysis, smart steering (smart meters, smart thermostat) and smart charging (EV charging). *For EV charging we are processing information about where your EV is/has been located at a specific time.Technical data about the device, state of device (e.g. on or off), measurements (e.g. energy usage, temperature, humidity), model of EV charger and customisation codes, battery level. *GPS-coordinates.
Special information, including health informationInformation that may be necessary for a specific purpose, e.g. to manage a reclamation or dispute.Receipt from a medical appointment.
Technical dataInformation you provide or are collected when you use our online services, e.g. web page, mobile application, social media.IP-address, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology on the device you use to access the online service, login data, page views and link clicks, visit period on the application, time spent using the application.