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Meet the Tribe: Toni Juvani


In the capital of Finland, on the 6th floor in a former bread factory, you’ll find Toni sitting behind a wall of screens. He’s one of currently six people in the Finnish office, and is working with backend development at Tibber. Toni claims that he’s not a coffee drinker, yet there always seems to be a cup of warm bean juice in his presence. We had a chat with the 'non-coffee-drinking' Finn.

'Meet the Tribe' is a series of articles where we get to know the faces behind the app, analytics, user experience, sustainability, PR, support and engineering at Tibber.

  • Name: Toni Juvani

  • Works with: Backend development

  • Office location: Helsinki, Finland

  • Comes from: Imatra, Finland

  • Dream job as a child: Plumber

  • Weirdest hobby: Verbal Finnish wordplay “Sananmuunnos”

What did you do before Tibber? 

- I was working in other IT companies. One of them was a software vendor for energy market parties like energy retailers and grid companies. So, for 13 years I was working with developing energy related software for some of Tibber’s competitors in the Nordics and Central Europe.

How did you become a part of the Tibber Tribe?

- I had been in talks with Edgeir after him and Daniel (Tibber founders) quit Enoro, a company which I also had worked for. At first I didn’t feel it was the right time for me to join, but eventually I got convinced about the project and I joined in December 2018. At that time I had around 10 colleagues in Tibber.

What’s the best thing about working at Tibber?

- That everyone is so laid back and flexible – and that we have a beer fridge in the Helsinki office, hehe. 

What gives you energy in life? 

- Spending time with friends; mostly outdoor stuff, travelling and parties. Completing projects at work also fills me with a lot of energy.

You work as a "Backend developer". What's the best part of your job?

- The best part of my job is that I get to work with a modern tech stack. Basically, the stuff that we have was not invented in the 90s, rather it was actually invented quite recently. In short, the best part is to be able to work with cutting edge technology. 

What do you normally do on a work day?

- I implement new Power-ups or work on improving the platform. That basically means I’m working with integrating third party providers and car brands into the Tibber app. I also make sure that the platform is stable, that it’s properly maintained, so that we avoid crashes. 

In your opinion, what's the future of the energy business? 

- Tibber is going to change all of it. 

What do you do when you’re not working/what are your hobbies?

- In my spare time I practice Thai boxing, in the summer I also play football, and I go snowboarding in the winter. When it comes to non-sporty stuff, I enjoy collecting and listening to music. I also do some DJing myself, mostly industrial techno. 

If you were to be a movie character, who would you be? 

- The girl from the Danish TV series "The Bridge". The female detective, Saga Norén. My best friend has told me that I’m pretty much like her. mag-saga-noren-toni

Do you want to be a part of the Tibber Tribe? Check out our careers page for open positions ⚡️

Published 15-12-2020
Marius Sæbø Lier
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