Tibber is founded on ethical principles. Transparency. Diversity. Respect. For a common good. We must never forget that, and if we in any way do, we need to be reminded, otherwise, Tibber is no more!

Tibber strives to protect the company, our employees, customers and other stakeholders, and society as a whole against wrongdoings that might be conducted by Tibber or our employees. If we can be aware of such activities at an early stage, we will have better possibilities to limit the damage and take protective measures.

Therefore, Tibber has established the whistleblowing program, a possibility to report observations of serious wrongdoings through different reporting lines. We provide different whistleblowing channels for this purpose.

A report of an observation through the Whistleblowing Channels will be received and managed by Tibbers’ whistleblowing committee, chaired by Tibber’s Director of Legal.

When to whistleblow

Examples of serious violations that could be reported through our whistleblowing channels:

  • Bribery, corruption and money laundering

  • Unlawful conduct or unfair competition

  • Violation of environmental and occupational safety legislation

  • Violation of privacy and personal data

  • Violation of product safety legislation

  • Violation of other laws or our ethical principles

  • Harassments

When not to whistleblow

Examples of matters that should not be reported: 

  • Political and/or professional opinion, employment related disagreement

  • Registration of deviations. To register deviations, use an own suitable registration system for those matters.

Whistleblowing channels

  1. Tibber’s digital reporting tool (see complete url below). By reporting an observation through the digital tool, you have the option to remain anonymous. Available 24/7.

  2. Letter to: Director of Legal, Tibber AS, Hafstadvegen 38, 6800 Førde, Norway. You have the possibility to remain anonymous.

  3. Concerns can also be reported to competent EU and/or national authorities or organizations.

What happens after I have sent my observation to Tibber?

Each observation will be taken seriously. 

In general you will have a confirmation that we have received your observation  within seven (7) days. You may be asked to provide additional information if needed. Please remember that you could always remain anonymous for as long as you want throughout this dialogue if you choose to report via the digital tool.

Proper and adequate investigation measures will be decided and conducted. 

Observations will be received by, and investigations are led by, our whistleblowing committee together with national investigation teams set up to meet local needs and the type of suspected wrongdoing. The investigation teams typically include representatives from the Legal departments of Tibber (including external legal advisors), with support from other staff functions when required . All sensitive information related to an investigation, including any personal data, is treated as strictly confidential.

If a breach of law, or any other internal regulation, is deemed to have taken place, the Compliance committee will recommend the management of Tibber appropriate follow-up measures. Such measures typically concern improved internal routines and working procedures, but also disciplinary sanctions in case of more severe misconduct. As a whistleblower you will in general be kept informed about the conclusions of the investigation as soon as practically possible.

Non-retaliation commitment

It is strictly prohibited for all Tibber employees and other representatives to attempt to determine the identity of a whistleblower. Tibber also prohibits all retaliation of any type against a whistleblower who has brought forward a concern in good faith. Any such confirmed violations may lead to disciplinary sanctions.

Reporting channels

Web-based reporting tool

  • link above, or 

  • https://app.falcony.io/tibber-wb/links/whistleblowing

(possible to be anonymous)


Send it to: Director of Legal, Tibber AS, Hafstadvegen 38, 6800 Førde, Norway.

You can find our full whistleblowing program policy here, including privacy notice.